Thursday, April 3, 2008


I was very excited to participate in this program because I wanted to learn more about using all of these tools. The self paced format and suggestions provided guidance and freedom to explore at my own pace. I usually explore new tools by reading about them without really trying to use them...this program helped me actually use the tools.

There are several things that I found useful and fun, such as delicious, youtube, and bloglines. Other elements of social networking and activities that require a lot of maintenance don't really attract me because I like to step away from my computer and be somewhat anonymous.

I like Outside of a Dog's suggestion that we have monthly topics to explore to continue learning with this format. It would be great to continue.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


It is addictive to search for videos....I felt a little uncomfortable and distracted searching for videos at work. At home I really enjoy using youtube. I have found some cool instructional videos about how to build alternative structures and it always seems like something I'm interested in pops up on the side bar to keep me looking at more videos.

I can see putting different informative shorts on our website, such as instructions on how to use the catalog from home. I really like Sam's One Minute Critic project. Very creative...

TED is a great place for insightful speeches by great thinkers. I've embedded a speech by one of my favorite authors, Isabel Allende. It would be fun to put a video featuring a different author each month on our site...this one is probably too long for work but is a good preview.